I'd like to introduce another fabulous human who takes Accessible Travel Blogging to a whole other level! He's certainly an inspiration to me and many others as he's clocked up 60 routes on his blog! wow!!Hat's off to you Peter Lau, thank you for all your amazing work.
"About me, the author.
My passion has always been about nature and our natural world. To get my fix I travelled all around the world with my family and friends - scuba diving, mountain biking, kayaking, running, walking, we visited and experienced amazing places and wildlife. We were so privileged.

Then one day in April 2014 everything changed. A crash on my mountain bike led to my fight for life, then my fight to reinvent myself. Not only had I lost my beloved career in the British Fire Service but every hobby that I spent my time pursuing.
I had to relearn how to live life as a T6 paraplegic, paralysed from the chest down and reliant on a wheelchair for mobility. Suffering constant tremendous nerve pain as a result of my severed spinal cord, but also having to come to terms of my new situation. Depression and a struggle with medication, as well as mental health all adding to my / our battle.
I am and remain fully appreciative that my wife who works in the NHS is very supportive. She helps me get on with life and makes sure I push myself to the limits I can achieve by encouragement. Beloved family members and great friends also help me if I need it, a difficult thing to accept help but I soon realised that if I want to get the most out of life then help must at times be an integral part of it.
I appreciate I am so very fortunate to have a Batec Scrambler - an electric powered wheelchair attachment that has provided me with a way to explore the wonderful places I can now reach. I can cover a lot of miles - taking with me a quite heavy camera and lens. My Batec was bought and is maintained by Cyclone Mobility, it gives me my independence and freedom. A standing joke with Cyclone Mobility is my track record of abusing my equipment - It and I go far - across what you would often think is ridiculous terrain for someone in a wheelchair - a Batec and I have many thousands of miles under our belt- finding these routes doesn't always go to plan. I owe a debt to a number of strangers who after a joyful and perhaps over enthusiastic bit of route finding research outing I have ended up on the floor! So please be assured the routes on this site are tested and quite safe.
​I have come a long way since my accident in 2014, achieved much and continue to develop my new norm.
A huge part of my rehab has been keeping busy and occupying my mind - learning new skills such as photography as well as improving my knowledge base of land and air dwelling nature. It is this that has led me to create Accessible Nature UK, please enjoy."
- Peter Lau